- Capacity Building
The project continues to register progress in building the capacity of the youth in two levels. Level one being the Imara Fellows who were recruited to be trained in policy making process in partnership with the county government in various fields of their interest and careers and level two being capacity improvement among the community youth who were the local partners during the implementation.
- Partnership
The implementation of this work has seen the project establish a firm partnership with the County Governments of Kisumu, Busia and other local partners including Jiwo Paro, Kondele Social Justice Centre & TEAM-Transform Empowerment for Action initiative, (Kisumu), Busia Youth Steering Committee (Busia), and Kericho Youth Network.
- Developing Policy Recommendations
The project addressed key county policy issues and co-created actionable solutions. In Kericho, a report led to recommendations for hiring more instructors in Technical Vocational and Educational Training Centers. In Kisumu, engagements identified youth income sources like betting and adult content creation, resulting in recommendations for entrepreneurial training, now implemented by Jiwo Paro. These efforts established a baseline for policy formulation.